Hardcore Crushing

Substantial quantities of brick and concrete demolition arisings that are not suitable for salvage can be crushed into graded hardcore. This can either be retained by the customer for use in their development or sold. It may be necessary to use some of it to backfill voids and holes in the ground and to bring the ground to formation level.

Hardcore from demolition of small buildings should be disposed of externally if the cost and practicality of crushing it exceeds its value.

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What Can Be Recycled Must Be Recycled

When all metals, architectural salvage and hardcore are excluded, demolition arisings create many tons of other materials that can be troublesome and expensive to dispose of. Current regulations forbid large quantities of certain items being treated as landfill waste and these must be sorted accordingly to be sent for recycling (example wood, plasterboard, roof felt plastic window frames, glass, paper). On sites where there is a lot of tree and vegetation waste, this too should be treated as a material that can be recycled and separated. ADS Demolition have a stringent recycling policy and aim to achieve a minimum recycling rate of 85% of non-saleable arisings.